Monday, June 30, 2014

Tomatoes on Tea Towel

For this one I challenged myself with the plaid tea towel and honestly found it to be a lot easier and more fun than I had anticipated. I'm not entirely happy with the shapes of some of the tomatoes, but I'm still learning.

Oil 7" x 9"

To purchase click here.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lemon Lime

This one is tricky for me, there are things I like and things I don't. I'm still getting my confidence in laying down paint, so I see the areas where I didn't do what I was thinking I would in my head. Then again there are areas where I think I did great, such as the colors in the limes. There are so many subtle translucent colors in citrus that it can really throw you. I didn't wipe it out, which means I was happy enough with the finished result. I signed it and it's time to move on.

Oil 9" x 7"

To purchase click here.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Apples on Foil

Since I had so much fun I went with the subject on foil again. For this one I really kept things loose as best I could. I wouldn't say this is an indicator of the style I'd like to pursue, but rather me trying to loosen up as best I can for the sake of the exercise. It was fun.

Oil 7" x 9"

To purchase click here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Avocado on Foil

Here's a trick I learned from another artist, I placed this avocado on foil. I didn't wrinkle the foil too much, so it created a bit of a distorted mirror appearance. The original setup had a blue background, but early on I thought pushing the blue to a cool green worked better with the color scheme.

Oil 7" x 9"

To purchase click here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sliced Banana

I painted this banana one night after dinner. At first I set it up as just the banana peeled, but then my wife suggested it looked a little like something else--if you know what I mean. So then I decided slicing it up would be visually interesting, though a touch unsettling after my wife's initial observation.

When finished this one struck me as being somewhat Cézanne-like, with the rough strokes and line work. I wasn't intending that and don't really want to take my painting style in that direction, but since it happened I went with it.

Oil 12" x 9"

To purchase click here.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Apple Confrontation

Well here's my first painting to kick things off. Just a simple arrangement of apples on a white surface. I tried to keep it loose and painterly. I hated that Apple in the lower right almost the entire painting till the very end. Then with a couple of strokes I liked it ok.
Oil 12" x 9"

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